Crafting Distinct and Memorable Cigar
Cuban cigars are historically regarded as the finest in the world. All cultivated and grown locally on the island of Cuba. For the seasoned cigar aficionado, a regular Dominican or Cuban might not quite cut it anymore. The world of premium cigars offers a range of exotic options that tantalize the taste buds with unique flavors and experiences.
These cigars can be “exotic” in a couple ways:
Unique Wrappers: Instead of the standard Cuban or Connecticut wrappers, some cigars boast leaves from Indonesia, Cameroon, or even Brazil. These can impart unexpected flavors like spice, chocolate, or even a hint of barnyard.
Infused Cigars: For a truly adventurous palate, there are cigars infused with flavors like cognac, vanilla, or even berries. These can be a great way to explore new taste profiles, but be warned, they might not be for everyone.
Where to Find Them
Exotic cigars are often found at specialty shops that cater to a discerning clientele. Look for stores with a humidor stocked with a wide variety of brands and origins. You can also find some online retailers that specialize in rare and exotic cigars like us.
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Arturo Fuente Opus X Lost City Toro
Original price was: $425.00.$365.00Current price is: $365.00. Add to cart -
Arturo Fuentes opus x 20th anniversary
Original price was: $1,599.00.$1,399.00Current price is: $1,399.00. Add to cart -
Arturo Fuentes Opus x Forbidden
Original price was: $1,599.00.$1,399.00Current price is: $1,399.00. Add to cart -
A Word of Caution
When venturing into the world of exotic cigars, it's important to be prepared for a potentially different smoking experience. The unfamiliar flavors and strengths can be a shock to the system for those accustomed to more traditional smokes. Start slow and savor the unique qualities each one has to offer.
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